Americana Appetites

Design AND food? I’m in heaven and happy to introduce today: Americana Appetites. As I’ve started to do more hand-lettering and launched the official opening of The Calligraphy Kitchen, I’ve found that recipes are an amazing execution of design practices. This new project will be slowly evolving into a series of homegrown and hand-lettered recipes for each of the 50 states’ most beloved cuisine—practicing both my culinary and creative skills, simultaneously!

While this may seem a bit like designing the cover before you write the book, I decided to look at this project as more of a developing brand. And where does a brand begin? With the logo.

This introductory image for the series captures both the culinary and artistic detail of every piece by highlighting the humanistic, hands-on connection between cooking and art—two of life’s most simple pleasures. I hope you’re as excited as I am to begin this delicious journey through the 50 states. Check back later this week for our inaugural recipe—Alabama!
